Moral Orel Wiki

Bloberta Puppington
Bloberta cleaning cleaners
"The whole neighborhood's going to think I'm a bad mother!"

- "Maturity"









First Appearance

"The Lord's Greatest Gift"

Last Appearance

"Beforel Orel: Trust"

Voiced by

Britta Phillips

Family & Relationships

Bloberta Puppington, née Hymentact, is a major character in the series. She is the daughter of Raymond and Mrs. Hymentact, the younger sister of Modella, the older sister of Lunchbox, the wife of Clay, and the mother of Orel and Shapey.


Behind her veneer of a happy-go-lucky "tradwife," Bloberta is a miserable and troubled woman. Her marriage and family bring her no joy, and she does whatever menial chores she can (even pointless things like cleansing cleaning products) to cope with them and her poor self-esteem. Her ultimate desires are to escape her marriage, to have some sense of worth, and to keep up a spotless appearance while doing so.

Bloberta was starved for external validation when she was younger, and tends to latch onto anyone who gives her a fix (especially if they say that she helped them in some way). She is impulsive in this pursuit to the point that she ignores any red flags about whoever is praising her and resorts to whatever means necessary to keep them around.

Despite her need to be needed, Bloberta pays little attention to her children's lives and needs unless it is expected of her, jeopardizes her image of a doting mother, or in "Turn the Other Cheek," doubles her detergent use for laundry. For everything else, like when Clay abuses Orel in his study, she tries to ignore the problem.

In addition to cleaning the house, Bloberta likes to sing in her spare time. She also masturbates, but rarely enjoys doing so as she feels little to no pleasure from doing it.


Young Bloberta

Younger Bloberta

Bloberta was the forgotten and shunned middle child of a family choir because of her imperfect pitch. Her father tried talking to her about joining in with the family, but cowered in fear of the abuse by his wife. Until she was old enough to marry, alcohol was her only escape from her family.

Jealous of her married friends and fearful that no one would tie the knot with her, she tried to get with Clay at Millie Fakey's wedding reception. There, she introduced him to alcohol to "help him out of his shell" and make him a better person, inspired by her father's drinking habits. This worked as expected for a while, but backfired when Clay slipped that he had no plans for marriage and started to eye everyone else in the room. Infuriated and fearful that her catch would get away, Bloberta knocked Clay unconscious and manipulated him into marrying her. While she used this to escape her family however she could - "Why not?" in her own words - her marriage and those of her friends fell apart, as if she married for nothing and created a family worse than what she started with.

Bloberta has made several attempts to find love elsewhere since her husband loathes her and she feels the same about him. Her affair with Coach Stopframe was one of her only sources of joy. Despite his charming facade, he used her as a roundabout way to get closer to Clay via Shapey. In addition, she hit on several bachelors in Moralton to no avail. While she also sought a divorce, Bloberta remarried Clay to preserve appearances.



Mrs. Hymentact

Mrs. Hymentact was Bloberta's abusive mother. She would continuously shun her daughter from singing with them and try to dismiss her by asking her to "do something useful," like cleaning her room.

Raymond Hymentact

Raymond is Bloberta's father, a subservient and cowardly man who loved his daughter dearly. He would vent to Bloberta about their family, as his wife would never give him the chance.

Clay Puppington

Clay is Bloberta's husband. She sought after him because he was also single and seemed like a decent guy, judging by her first few hours of knowing him. What made Bloberta cling onto him was that she helped him, satisfying her need for praise and importance. This was only temporary, however, as the two became indifferent to each other at best and actively malicious at worst.

In many episodes, the two mock each other over their failings as parents while not spending any effort to improve themselves. Her dissatisfaction with their blessed union bleeds out onto her treatment of Orel, Shapey and Block. Clay and Bloberta only keep each other around for appearances.

Orel Puppington

Orel is Bloberta's son. She shows him more care and attention than she does with Shapey, though just slightly. She and Orel have very little in common, and most of their interactions consist of Bloberta chastising Orel for something. Orel, on the other hand, respects his mother and saw her as a wise figure.

During Orel's hunting trip, Bloberta grew more aware of how badly she and Clay were treating their child. She showed hints of genuine concern for him, especially when she broke down into tears outside of Orel's room after telling him that his father's true nature simply comes out when he drinks. She compensated for her neglect towards her son in small ways, such as knitting a campaign flag for Orel and trying to include him in a family choir.

Shapey Puppington

Shapey is Bloberta's son whom she conceived from Danielle Stopframe. Her only interactions with him are through breastfeeding or swatting him when he annoys her. Otherwise, Bloberta is content in leaving Shapey with dangerous power tools, a bedroom that more resembles a storage closet, and no education. She only took notice of Shapey when he told her how lonely he is in Season 3.


Danielle Stopframe

Danielle is Bloberta's ex-lover. For the longest time, Bloberta was in love with Danielle and unaware of his plot. He reveals it in "Numb," to her dismay, and her attraction to him fades away.

Block Posabule

Block was switched with Shapey in "The Lord's Prayer," and Bloberta would treat Block in the same way as she would with his doppelganger. Oddly enough, Block preferred Bloberta to his real mother.

Dr. Potterswheel

In "Numb," Bloberta thought Dr. Potterswheel genuinely loved her after getting treatment for her mutilated genitals. Unfortunately, he used Bloberta to satisfy his gore fetish and had no interest in her once she was healed.


Bloberta makes minor appearances in most episodes, usually seen doing chores or in the church congregation.

Season One[]

  • All episodes

Season Two[]

Season Three[]


  • "Beforel Orel: Trust"
  • A "Beforel Orel" promo, the spoof "lost episode," reuses clips from "The Lord's Greatest Gift." Bloberta appears in some of them.


Waste gallery 17 This section contains speculation. Please keep this in mind as you read it.
  • There were plans to have Bloberta hook up with Officer Papermouth in a future episode. According to Dino, they were supposed to meet outside of Aloneford Apartments where he would give her Nurse Bendy's discarded teddy bear. Further details are unknown, possibly because the writers were uncertain of how this relationship would pan out. Shapey growing up to be a police officer in "Honor" may reference this.
  • In "Help," Bloberta tells Clay that her hands get no blood circulation, implying she may have Raynaud's Syndrome.
  • Bloberta's first name is a reference to blobs of clay used in stop motion animation. Her maiden name is a play on the words "hymen" and "intact," referencing virginity. This correlates with virginity being a Christian virtue and her sexless marriage, which becomes ironic after the events of "Numb." Her surname incorporates "puppet."


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