Moral Orel Wiki

Thetatums2023! Thetatums2023! 28 October 2024

My ratings for Moral Orel

1 - The Lord's Greatest Gift - TV-14-V

2 - God's Chef - TV-MA

3 - Charity - TV-14

4 - Waste - TV-PG

5 - The Blessed Union - TV-PG-D

6 - Omnipresence - TV-PG

7 - God Fearing - TV-14

8 - Loyalty - TV-14

9 - Maturity - TV-14

10 - The Best Christmas Ever - TV-PG-D

11 - God's Image - TV-14

12 - Love - TV-PG

13 - Satan - TV-14-DS

14 - Elemental Orel - TV-PG-DV

15 - Offensiveness - TV-14-D

16 - God's Blunders - TV-14

17 - Pleasure - TV-MA

18 - The Lord's Prayer - TV-14-S

19 - Holy Vistage - TV-14

20 - Be Fruitful And Muitlply - TV-14-D

21 - Praying - TV-PG-D

22 - Repression - TV-MA

23 - Turn The Other Cheek - TV-PG-V

24 - Genius - TV-14

25 - Courtship - TV-MA

26 - School Pagent - TV-MA

27 - Presents For God - TV-14-D

28 - Orel's Movie Premiere - TV-14-DS

29 - Nature - TV-14 …

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Lovelintamagotchi Lovelintamagotchi 3 April 2024

New Wiki Rule: 15+ Community

I was originally thinking 16+ or even 18+, but I guess 15+ seems pretty old enough.

Why 15+? It's due to the nature of the show, being more mature than the average show with its strong themes and sexual references (which can include sexual intercourse and masturbation), plus the plan to contribute to some of the more mature episodes such as Nature (Parts 1 and 2) and Alone (both of those episodes contain sexual references and rape), but also because I feel like 15 is the right age to start watching the show as a whole. Users who are found underage on this Wiki (under 15) need to wait 1-2 years to be on this Wiki; You must be 13+ to have a FANDOM account (Due to the COPPA laws applied to FANDOM).

To not invade privacy, you will not be require…

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TiffanyTheLover TiffanyTheLover 28 July 2022

I ship Orel Puppington and Angel (from Olympic and Paralympic Mascots: Kids on Stage!/Kids On Stage! Show)

Hello! I’m new here! So I did ship Orel Puppington and Angel (from Olympic and Paralympic Mascots: Kids on Stage!/Kids On Stage! Show) to make them in Picrew. Also, I haven’t seen a ship name for this, can you tell me this ship name please?

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Heyfunboy Heyfunboy 7 February 2021


I finally found out the key to life. All along people have been saying “look up” “climb higher” or “aim for the stars”. No matter what they are the same thing to improve self-esteem and that is to keep going up. Well when you are stuck in middle management for 13 years it gets to you. After careful thinking I believe the key to success is to look DOWN. You are in charge of the plebes. You order them around like chess pieces. How hard they work depends on your management. If they are slacking it is because of you.

what do you think of this philosophy? Like a CEO doesnt look up cuz he is the boss. Trump doesnt look up cuz he goes DOWN on the pussy!

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Heyfunboy Heyfunboy 29 November 2020

The Poem

Everything is pale and white For it is winter Suddenly I see a yellow in the distance Slowly making its way to me I now see a human wearing a yellow top It is a woman approaching She with the yellow top The yellow top with flowers here and there That is the only different color, and as such, the eyes are attracted to immediately She walks over drawing distance Smiling, her hips swaying left to right She has a mischievous smirk on her face But my eyes advert back to the yellow The yellow top is getting closer to my face She is taller than me For she is wearing 4” high boots I can see her perfect curves now Yellow curves brings me fantasies of warm life My pants are getting tight as excitement arouses She notices this and moves closer Her…

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Funshinebear83 Funshinebear83 31 December 2017

Is anyone moderator?

Hey, I've noticed there doesn't seem to be much activity or moderation here. Is anyone a mod? If so, could I be made mod sometime so I could correct vandalism and stuff? If not, I would be interested in adopting it. Please respond!

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Imanie Imanie 30 April 2010

I'm not dead!

Well, if anyone is here to read or see, I'm not dead! I'll be back to writing up summaries and fixing the wiki again soon enough. It'll be a little less than a week is all now.

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YayBirdie! YayBirdie! 22 March 2010


Watch Moral Orel if you want another season this week, if we get enough views, we might get a bew season and finish the lost 7 epsiodes.

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